"The Treasure of Monte Cristo" by Jules Lermina (1885)

The Treasure of Monte Cristo by Jules Lermina (1885) Le Trésor de Monte-Cristo (French) Jules Lermina Jules Lermina must've really needed the money. Four years after the previous "conclusion" that the Lermina-verse had brought us- the pitiful death of Edmond Dantes huddled over the coffin of his boy Spero, Lermina cranked out ANOTHER Monte Cristo sequel. But the pickings had become quite slim indeed... who's going to be the hero of the new story? Lermina had wiped out everybody besides Eugenie! No chance for the Count to have had another child. Albert never reproduced. Max and Val killed off... what to do? What to do??? Lermina creates "The NewFoundland Club", a multi-national group fighting the tyranny and oppression of victimized/conquered peoples as the next generation of good guys. And Valentin Morrel makes his first appearance on page 439! But who can be the villain this time? Lermina desperately grasps at straws and taps o...