Edmond Dantes and Heathcliff sit down and chat about revenge!

Edmond Dantes and Heathcliff sit down and chat about revenge! Book Roast: Featuring Wuthering Heights. So, this is the kinder and gentler book roasting of Wuthering Heights, in the form of a semi-serious, semi-satirical, semi-fanfic. Maybe all poor Heathcliff needed was a friend, a man of similar trauma, life experience, social status and wealth. Someone who can tell him what's what and cut through all the self-delusions and BS. So, let me introduce: EDMOND DANTES, The Count of Monte Cristo! ED: Hello Sir, some Lit Fans had suggested that we should meet, and here we are. H: Yes, So I was told. We have some things in common, I hear? Like a revenge obsession? Here's my book! Read all about me! ED: And here's mine. Let's meet in 3 weeks and exchange notes! H: Deal! (3 weeks later) H: Uh oh, I think I see my ex-wife, Isabella...