Why the Hogan-Verse Sucks in "The Hand of the Dead"

Why the Hogan-Verse Sucks in The Hand of the Dead The world that Alfredo Hogan created for the Monte Cristo "sequel", The Hand of the Dead , sucks to live in. It has all of the disadvantages of a world run by a pitiless, exacting God, and of a world where "sh** happens and then you die" where no matter how hard you try to follow "God's rules", you're still easily a victim to random occurrences that end your life way prematurely. Yeah, I'm still rambling and ranting about this trainwreck of a book. It's even worse than Jules Lermina's books, because at least Lermina allowed Haydee to die of unknown natural causes, the Count managed to live until age 75, and he was able to raise his son Esperance/Spero up to age 21. Hogan doesn't even give the Count that much. Nope. Read review of "The Hand of the Dead" (Hogan) Hogan's ever-present moralizing: "Don't be arrogant! Give your money to the poor! ...